Hands-On Tutorials

In addition to the Fundamentals tutorial videos mentioned throughout this documentation, there are also a number of hands-on tutorials available. These are essential as they put your theoretical understanding of the addon to use in real projects.

These tutorials are currently separated into two separate YouTube series: Making Materials and Project-Based Tutorials.

Making Materials

Making Materials is dedicated to making different materials with PBR Painter, covering topics such as procedural textures, masking, decal painting and much more.

Episode 1 - Procedural Rust

This hands-on tutorial demonstrate how to use PBR Painter to generate amazing and tuneable procedural rust, which can be applied to your favourite metal materials. This video gives a great overview of some of the key features in PBR Painter, including masking and procedural texturing.

Episode 2 - Decal Painting

This video demonstrates how to take advantage of PBR Painter's amazing decal painting features. Learn how to quickly paint on your favourite decal onto a material, with complete control of the roughness, metallic, normals etc. of the decal.

Episode 3 - Normal Stamps

Similar to Episode 3, this video demonstrates how to use PBR Painter's decal painting process to add normal (or bump) stamps to your materials. Check it out below!

Episode 4 - Peeling Paint

This video is a step-by-step guide showing how to make realistic looking peeling paint masks using PBR Painter's layered masking system.

Episode 5 - Photorealistic Puddles

This video shows how to create photorealistic puddles within Blender using PBR Painter 2.4.

Project-Based Tutorials

Project-Based Tutorials are focused on texturing real 3D models, and show how to best take advantage of PBR Painter's layered texturing system to texture your models. These tutorials cover everything from masking and ID maps, through to importing textures and hand-painting imperfections and other details. These are highly recommended for beginner to intermediate PBR Painter users.

Episode 1 - Viking Shield

This hands-on tutorial will guide you from start to finish texturing a viking shield model. Learn a bunch of PBR Painter's most important features, such texture importing and mapping, ID maps, layer masking, decal painting and much more, while actually making an interesting and useful asset!